Craft Guild of Chefs unveils new Street Food Chef category for Awards ceremony
The inaugural Street Food Chef Award invites nominations from the public for independent street food operators who are delivering exciting and popular dishes. The introduction of the new Street Food Chef category highlights the growing recognition of the creativity and innovation within this culinary sector.
The Craft Guild of Chefs Awards ceremony will take place on Monday 24th June 2024 at JW Marriott Grosvenor House in London to celebrate culinary excellence across the UK and beyond.
A total of 19 awards will be presented on the night, of which 14 are now open for entry, including the ever-popular restaurant chef, young chef, and pastry chef categories.
Nominations will be judged by a panel of leading industry ambassadors. Chef’s don’t have to be a member to enter or nominate. Closing date Friday 16th February 2024. Enter here: http://cgcawards.co.uk/
The full list of categories:
- Apprentice Chef Award – Nominate
- Banqueting & Event Chef Award – Nominate
- Chef Lecturer Award – Nominate
- Competition Chef Award – Nominate
- Contract Catering Chef Award – Nominate
- Culinary Hero Award – Nominate
- Development Chef Award – Nominate
- Pastry Chef Award – Nominate
- Pub Restaurant Chef Award – Nominate
- Public Sector Chef Award – Nominate
- Restaurant Chef Award – Nominate
- Street Food Chef Award (NEW for 2024) – Nominate
- Sustainability Excellence Award – Nominate
- Young Chef Award – Nominate
- International Chef Award – Nominations are not required
- Accredited College Restaurant of The Year – Nominations are not required
- New Restaurant of the Year Award – Nominations are not required
- Special Award - Nominations are not required
- Outstanding Support of Culinary Excellence Award (NEW for 2024) – Nominations are not required