05th Mar 2025

WorldSkills UK 2018 winners
The Craft Guild of Chefs is delighted to announce the winners of the culinary arts, confectionary and restaurant service competitions at this year’s WorldSkills UK, which took place at the NEC Birmingham, 15-16 November.
WorldSkills UK inspires young people and adults to be ambitious in their pursuit of skills to the highest level. With the three hospitality competitions all run by the Craft Guild, they are designed to test competitors’ skills in a range of critical elements that demonstrate excellence and enhance qualities valued by employers such as team work, time management and working to deadlines.
The three hospitality competitions comprise: culinary arts, confectionary and restaurant service. Each sets out core competencies and standards that candidates should achieve, and which they are judged and marked on.
The main competition - Culinary Arts - saw chefs showcase their ability to produce high-quality food suitable for customers in a retail dining situation. As such, competitors worked with raw ingredients to create complex and intricate dishes. They also had the option to be judged on the creative aspect of compiling a menu.
Led by Craft Guild chairman of vice presidents, Stephen Scuffell, the culinary arts competition includes: a live heat prior to WorldSkills UK an the UK national final held at the NEC Birmingham.
Scuffell said: “Congratulations to everyone involved in 2018 UK skills live and to all the young professional competitors.”
2018 medallists include:
- Chloe Lloyd-Hughes, North Warwickshire and South Leicestershire College-gold award
- Richard Postles, Cheshire College South and West – silver
- Luke MacKenzie, City of Glasgow College - bronze.
Three more medallists were awarded highly commended.
Meanwhile, the confectionary section focussed on the role and tasks of a patisserie and confectionery chef, testing competitors on eight core competencies. This saw them complete a number of tasks that reflect both modern and traditional patisserie.
City of Glasgow College was honoured with the three medals:
- Ance Kristone - gold
- Naomi Simpson - silver
- Leona Westwater - bronze.
The restaurant service competition covered nine competencies including: preparing and serving dishes suitable for table theatre service in a fine dining restaurant; providing a service for customers in a restaurant dining environment; identifying a range of wines, spirits and liqueurs from a given list.
Winners are as below:
- Karolina Glowacka,City of Glasgow College – gold
- Paulina Skoczek, Gower College Swansea - silver
- Paige Jones, Gower College Swansea - bronz
For more information about entering WorldSkills UK 2019, visit: https://www.worldskillsuk.org/champions/national-skills-competitions/find-a-competition
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