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19th February 2010

Quality Meat Scotland develops healthier bacon for menus

Written by: Admin
Scotland's red meat industry body, Quality Meat Scotland, has helped develop a new healthier bacon.
The bacon, which is 25% lower in salt and more than 20% lower in fat than the industry average, was developed as part of a project match-funded by Scottish Enterprise. The £40,000 project saw Quality Meat Scotland working with seven different meat producers and the Food Innovation team at Abertay University. Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Richard Lochhead said: "Recently we've seen healthier versions of burgers, sausages and even the famous Scotch pie being produced by the sector as it responds to consumer demand for healthier food choices as part of a balanced diet. It's encouraging to see one of our breakfast favourites join the list and I look forward to seeing others in the future." NFU Scotland president, Jim McLaren, added: "By reducing the salt and fat content of a number of red meat products, whilst maintaining exceptional quality, this collaborative project further shows how red meat can be enjoyed as part of a healthy and balanced diet."