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18th July 2024

Craft Guild of Chefs latest wellness event improves creativity through play

Written by: Edward Waddell
The Craft Guild of Chefs held its latest wellness event at Brigade Bar & Grill in the Beyond Food Foundation Kitchen on Thursday 11th July, giving guests the opportunity to connect with other chefs and get hands-on with food.

The event was organised in collaboration with The Joy of Creativity founder Karen Fewell who has recently graduated with a distinction in a Masters in Consumer Psychology. For her dissertation, Karen explored the impact that play has on an adult’s creativity as well as their overall mood.

She used these learnings to talk to chefs and other guests about the importance of working on their creativity and the correlation this has on their overall mental wellbeing. Karen shared her own personal wellbeing story as well as a presentation packed with academic insight and the science of play, creativity and wellness.

Chefs were then asked to make a focaccia ‘Froggle Woggle’ using dough and a range of vegetables, herbs and other delicious and colourful ingredients. Attendees were encouraged to use their imagination and go back to their childhood as a ‘Froggle Woggle’ is simply whatever they imagine it to be.

Karen Fewell, honorary member of the Craft Guild of Chefs, said: “It was lovely to hear that my talk had inspired other people and I think it was great for the chefs to be able to look at wellness from a different perspective. This is a new era for my business as I’m now offering play and creativity sessions to improve wellness, team building and inspire innovation in hospitality.

“I’ve also got talks booked in with schools, businesses and even a menopause community group so it was reassuring to know the impact this first workshop had on those who attended. It’s exciting to offer the hospitality industry something a little different which utilises all the study I've done for my master’s and dissertation.”

This was the first event organised by the wellness committee and the Craft Guild of Chefs are keen to keep an interactive format, with free-flowing conversation and a relaxed supportive environment for all who join us. Discussions and planning are already underway for another wellness experience later this year, so please keep an eye on the Craft Guild of Chefs social media for further updates.

As chair of the wellness committee for the Craft Guild of Chefs Andy Aston, who is head of wellness and nutrition at BaxterStorey, added: “Our wellness events have grown from just one guest at our first event to now becoming a popular addition to the Craft Guild of Chefs calendar. I really wanted to give these experiences a revamp for 2024 and attract some new faces from the industry and I’m delighted this event did just that.

“It was so positive to hear comments about the impact this thought-provoking session had and how some were going to take it back to their own businesses to share with their teams. I’ve always said if these events help just one person to improve their own wellbeing, then we are achieving our purpose and knowing these experiences are now helping many more means a huge amount to me personally.”

The Craft Guild of Chefs would like to thank Beyond Food Foundation for the excellent space, Belazu for the oils, olives and pastes, County Supplies for the vegetables, nectarines and peaches and finally, The Felix Project for all of the drinks. Andy added “we loved collaborating with you and appreciate all of your support.”