Craft Guild of Chefs 2019 AGM
The meeting will take place from 11:30am and can be attended by any fully paid member.
Lunch will follow at 12pm, for which the booking form is attached. As well as a chance to network and enjoy a delicious meal, we will also announce our 2019 Honours and Awards.
As always, we encourage all members to get involved and would love to see as many of your nominate fellow members for any awards you feel they are worthy of. With 20 categories spanning the catering sector, there is lots of hard work and praise to be celebrated.
We are now also accepting nominations for committee positions. If you would like to be involved with the numerous activities that we run throughout the year, please do let us know via the form attached or contact details below.
All forms for the AGM, lunch, honours and awards, and committee positions are attached.
For more information, please contact [email protected] or call 0208 948 3870.