Young chefs impress during Wessex Salon Culinaire 2018
With close to 300 entries, the two-day event is one of the biggest and most exciting competitions in the UK and is divided into five different categories: live hot, live cold, restaurant, display and the Wessex bake-off.
Open to student chefs, front of house staff and patissiers, the competition – now in its fifth year - is designed to give competitors their “first taste of competition experience.”
Andrew Bennett, Craft Guild of Chefs Chairman, commented: “As an organisation we are always looking for ways to encourage the younger generation to compete in events like this. It’s an excellent opportunity for growth, experience and a way to promote themselves to the industry. The standard and effort from all competitors this year has been exceptional.”
Chef director and head of hospitality studies at Brockenhurst College, John MacArther, added: “What we do as a college is support (Wessex Salon Culinaire). It’s a massive team effort. We do it for the students. It is about giving them that platform to take them on that little bit higher.
"The competition this year has been great. It has been fantastic! It’s been great every year, I love it!”
The full list of 2018 results is as below:
- (LC1) Patisserie Skills - Jia Evangelista, silver; Connor Stow, silver
- (LC2) Emulision & Makeover - Harrison Miller, silver
- (LC4) Vegatable Cuts - Yun Bi, gold; Pritam Gurung, gold; Xander Joyce, silver; Ben Fitzmaurice, bronze; Ben O'Brian, merit; Emily Goodyear, merit; Anit Gurung, merit; Mary Koczwara, merit
- (LC5) Cupcake Decoration - Sophie Hanley, gold; Dawn Sexton, gold; Caitlin Kemp-Powell, silver; Megan Hazell, silver; Sydney Knight, bronze; Ellie Hawley, bronze; Isabelle De La Riviere, bronze; Bayan Zuraiki, bronze; Sara Sorrentino, bronze
- (LC6) Gateau Challenge - Morgan Foreman, gold; Ellie Tuttle, silver; Verity Lynn, bronze; Connor Stow, bronze
- (LC7) Marzipan Modelling - Emily Goodyear, gold; Ellie Tuttle, silver
- (LC8) Cold Chicken Prep - Sara Sorrentino, gold; Frazier Michie, gold; Chole Holliday, gold; Paige Hill, gold; Sammi Clifford, gold; Ben Fitzmaurice, silver; Oscor Groombridge, silver; Rebecca Whitby, silver; Alex Pape, silver; Thomas Huggins, silver; Jack Buyuklimaz, silver; Xander Joyce, bronze; Reece Duell, bronze; Ayesha Khan, bronze; Edward Searles, bronze; Benjamin Tucker, bronze; Fabio Falcini, bronze; Vincent White, bronze; Pritam Gurung, merit; Ben O'Brian, merit; Louise Dimbley, merit
- (LC9) Fish Filleting - Beatriz Inca, gold; Ellie Rees, gold; Ashleigh Hellowell, gold; Codrut Mazilu, gold; Ayesha Khan, gold; Sara Sorrentino, gold; Benjamin Tucker, gold; Edward Searles, gold; Cory Fowler, silver; Alex Pape, silver; Jack Buyuklimaz, silver; Reece Ducell, silver; Chloe Holliday, silver; Arran Ratna, silver; Rebecca Whitby, silver; Frazier Michie, silver; Thomas Huggins, bronze; Ollie Dillion, bronze; Ben O'Brian, bronze; Megan Downing, bronze; Bayan Zuraiki, bronze; Louise Dimbley, bronze; Anit Gurung, merit; Jonathan Dorrell, merit; Lenny Gardiner, merit
- (LC10) Bakery Skills - Eloise Perrett, gold; Lewis Ingram, gold; Chole Judd, gold; Connor Stow, gold; Ben Estall, gold; Mary Koczwara, silver; Alejandra Uribe Jaramillo, silver; Jia Evangelista, bronze; Connor Stow, bronze; Ryan Fullic, merit; Ellie Tuttle, merit; Hiu Man Fung, merit
- (D1) Bakery skills - Chole Judd, bronze
- (D3) Fruit tart - Connor Stow, gold; William Richomme, cert; Verity Lynn, cert; Sydney Knight, cert;
- (D5) Cold chocolate dessert – Nicola Shaw, bronze; Joshua James, bronze
- (D7) Starters - Lee Eastman-Thompson, silver; Carlo Downie, cert
- (D8) Terrine or pate - Shaun Phillips, bronze; Andy Sutcliffe, bronze
- (D9) Fruit and vegetable carving - Jayadeva Sivaraja, gold; Suzanne Moore, bronze
- (D10) Meat/poultry/fish/shellfish main - Jack Stoker, gold; Shaun Williamson, bronze; Lee Eastman Thomas, bronze
- (D11) Vegetarian Main - Emily Stephenson, bronze
- (D13) 3 course gourmet meal - Ben Tingley, bronze
- (D15) Gastro pub - Andy Sutcliffe, silver
- (LH1) Risotto - Reece Duell, silver; Sarina Cole, silver; Sean Cook, silver; Cory Fowler, silver; Rhyannon Highes, silver; Shaquille Martin, bronze; Tyler Wheatley, bronze
- (LH2) Pasta – Pallani Burke, gold; Reece Duell, gold; Thomas Huggins, silver; Jason wood, silver; Natasha Mackie, bronze; Micheal Sims, bronze; Liam Tinion, merit
- (LH3) Fish - Fiona Campbell, gold; Chenae Thompson, silver; Paul Hopkins, silver; Jasmin Tang, bronze; Louise Beyeme, bronze; Jonelle Shivamangal, bronze; Aaron Walters, bronze; Alez Pape, merit; Jack Buyukilmaz, merit; Cory Fowler, merit
- (LH4) Chicken Supreme – Alex Pape, gold; Jenson Maw, silver; Paige Hill, silver; Ryan Rooke, merit
- (LH5) Lamb Main Course - Matthew Brown, gold; Max Bird, gold; Jack Buyukilmaz, gold; Matthew Haskins, silver; Dan Russell, silver; Michael Sims, bronze; Jaz Mai Hue Sang, bronze; Jason Woods, bronze; Dean Baker, bronze; Ollie Dillon, bronze
- (LH6) Scallop – Oliver Joell, gold; Jermaiac Roberts, gold; Sarina Cole, gold; Fabio Falcini, gold; Asheleigh Hellowell, gold; Sophie Bryant, silver; Giovanna Adei, silver; Joshua Singer, silver; Cory Fowler, bronze; Simon Gurung, bronze; Bejamin Tucker, bronze; Matthew Trendall, bronze; Mara Allen, merit; Jack Batten, merit; Micheal Mercer, merit
- (LH10) Pork - Kyle Barnett, silver; Phil Clark, silver; Sujin Chung, silver; Stephen Needham, silver
- (LHE) Essential Cuisine – Nicole Theofylaktidou, gold; Ben Smith, silver
- Quorn – Sophia Bryant, gold; Alex Pape, silver; Matthew Bailey, silver; Reece Duell, merit; Thomas Huggins, merit
- (B1) Decorative Display Piece - Sandra Zuncheddu, gold; Nick Hebditch, gold; Jadadeva Sivaraja, gold; Connor Stow, silver; Harry Morgan, silver; James Wilkins, bronze
- (B2) Wedding Cake – Angela Morris, gold; Gemma Rogers, silver; Angela Morris, bronze
- (B3) Sculptured Novelty Cake – Chloe Woodford, gold; Harry Morgan, bronze
- (B4) Celebration Cake – Angela Morris, gold; Katie Woodford, silver; Ewan Houghton, bronze; Megan Richards, merit
- (B5) Floral Arrangement - Jamie Smyth, gold; Elaine Morris, bronze
- (B6) Cupcakes - Jackson Merrin, silver; Ben Estall, silver; Rebecca Cramp, silver; Georgina Benham, meri
- (B7) Afternoon Tea Pastries - Sherie Lam, gold; Sheena Gray, silver; Samuel Sewell, bronze; Daniela Iarusso, bronze; Kayleigh Hussey, bronze; Carlos Cochia Escobar, bronze; Sheena Gray, merit
- (B8) Coelliac Cake Challenge - Kate Louise Woodford, gold; Jasmin Tang, silver; Lilyana Polelarova, silver; Eloise McKay, bronze
- (R1) Napkin Folding - Eloise Perrett, gold; Jackson Merrin, silver; Matthew Mills, merit
- (R2) Cocktails and Coffee - Adriana Gutierrez, gold; Kris Insatorn, gold; Matthew Mills, bronze, Katie Wenman, bronze; David Wilkinson, merit
- (R3) Table Layup - Kris Insatorn, gold; Adriana Gutierrez, gold; Katie Wenman, bronze; Talis O'Brian, bronze; David Wilkinson, bronze; Rachel Oxenham, merit
- (R4) Flambé – Kris Insaton, gold; Talis O'Brian, bronze; David Wilkinson, bronze