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Classic Wine Library

Classic Wine Library
The offer code is CHEFSPECIAL15.

This allows members 15% off Classic Wine Library books purchased here: It’s valid from today until the end of November 2021. 

The Classic Wine Library was set up to enlighten and entertain those serious about wine (and a few other drinks too). The series has a history stretching back more than fifty years and has been published by Infinite Ideas since 2013.

Books are detailed enough to provide plenty of information – much of which is not available anywhere else – for students of wine, sommeliers and others who work in the wine industry.

The series is also accessible enough to be enjoyed by anybody with an enthusiasm for wine. All the authors are expert in their subject, many are Masters of Wine and all have years of experience in the wine industry. Not only that, but the whole series is edited and curated by an editorial board.

Sarah Jane Evans MW, Richard Mayson and James Tidwell MS are well-known in the wine industry and their expertise and opinions are widely respected. Each title is commissioned based on their recommendations and the manuscript assessed thoroughly by one or more of the editorial board before being published.

This rigorous approach makes these wine books distinctively authoritative: in a world of dubious information, the Classic Wine Library is one-resource serious wine lovers and professionals can really trust.

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