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27th September 2011

UKSP supports WorldSkills 2011

Written by: Admin
UKSP, a leading information site for careers in the hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism industry, will be exhibiting at WorldSkills London 2011, which is taking place in London from 5-8 October.
UKSP will have a range of activities at its stand to inform and engage visitors, including a quick and fun digital personality test that will help people determine which personality type they are, and therefore which jobs in the hospitality, leisure travel and tourism (HLTT) sector they are best suited to. UKSP will also be running some competitions from the stand, giving students the chance to win an iPad 2, and teachers the opportunity to win a one-day 'skills for life' training day for up to 30 pupils. Most importantly, visitors to the stand will be able to get expert advice and information on careers, training and job opportunities within the thriving HLTT sector. WorldSkills London 2011 will see over 1,000 young competitors from across the globe compete to be the best of the best in their chosen skill, with a total of 46 skill areas represented. Lesley Potter from UKSP said: "We are delighted to be getting involved in WorldSkills London 2011. This really is a once in a generation opportunity to amaze and inspire people about the endless possibilities of working in a very dynamic and growing sector. UKSP has all the information to inform people about an exciting career in the industry." Aidan Jones, executive director of WorldSkills London 2011 added: "This event is going to be huge, with a wealth of skills on display – from electronics to plumbing, web design and fashion to cabinet making. We are thrilled to have UKSP on board to join experts from other fields in showcasing how skills shape our world."