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5th December 2017

Koppert Cress and CGOC partner to 'educate and train chefs'

Written by: Katie Imms
The Craft Guild of Chefs has partnered with global cress and micro greens supplier, Koppert Cress, “to educate and train chefs in menu development and the versatility” of each ingredient.

Highlighting the use of micro greens and cresses as ingredients in a dish rather than a garnish, the partnership hopes to rectify the lack of education and training in this area among its members and chefs worldwide.


Vice president of The Craft Guild of Chefs, David Mulcahy, said: “Ongoing education for professional chefs is imperative and menu development can be enhanced by innovative food pairings and cress being used as ingredients as opposed to ‘just a garnish’.


“As both the vice president of the Craft Guild of Chefs and director of food and development at Sodexo, this is great news all round and I look forward to adding value to chefs’ knowledge in micro greens and cresses with Koppert.”


Paul Da-Costa-Greaves, Koppert Cress UK-UAE country manager, added: “Education has always been at the forefront with Koppert Cress. An observation of a complete knowledge gap prompted me to set about forging strategic alliances with industry bodies admired by top chefs. 


“We will offer every Craft Guild member an educational brochure explaining in great depth the difference between micro greens and cress. This document achieves a combination of theory and practical understanding and food pairing combinations”.

Both a hard copy and electronic version of the Koppert Cress Microgreens manual is now available – please contact [email protected] for more information.