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Fun Friday Food Facts Vol.9
18th September 2015

Fun Friday Food Facts Vol.9

Written by: Admin
It’s time for the weekly instalment of Friday Food Facts, so sit down and prepare to have your minds blown by some tasty trivia.

Fast food restaurants like McDonalds, Wimpy and Burger King use yellow, red, and orange as part of their branding because those are the colours that stimulate hunger.

Jellybeans are a tasty treat and come in many flavours, but did you realize their shiny coating is made from bug feces? Shellac, also known as confectioner’s glaze, is made from a resin excreted by the female lac beetle

A pint of beer has fewer calories than bread and contains no fat.

Eggs contain the highest quality food protein known.
All parts of an egg are edible, including the shell, which has a high calcium content.

Carbonated Mixers speed up alcohol’s rate of absorption into the bloodstream, which amplifies its affect and leads to quicker intoxication

Carrots actually don’t help you see in the dark. A WWII propaganda campaign to conceal new radar technology from the Nazis, led everyone to believe that the RAF’s improved kill rates in the dark were down to eating lots of carrots!

Fish oil pills have been found to stop at-risk teenagers of developing schizophrenia according to a small, recent study

Saffron, the most expensive spice in the world, has sold in recent years for as much as £2,700 per pound! The price tag is so high because it must be harvested by hand and it takes more than 75,000 threads, or filaments, of the crocus flower to equal one pound of the spice!

Just as interesting as the banana plant being a herb, is that the banana itself is actually a berry!