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26th November 2013

Flagship London boroughs to showcase School Food Plan healthy eating initiative

Written by: Admin

The School Food Plan's latest action point is being launched with the announcement by Boris Johnson, the mayor of London, of the flagship boroughs that will showcase how a focus on good food across the whole community can benefit the health and nutrition of pupils at school.

The School Food Plan comprises 16 actions designed to transform school food culture across the country. This week’s update looks at Action 5, around the London Flagships.

The flagship boroughs will aim to demonstrate how improving food across the whole community can have a transformational impact on health and attainment, with schools serving as catalysts to drive this change.

The Department for Education and the Greater London Authority (GLA) are together providing £1.2m in funding for the first two years of the initiative.

To find out all the details click on the link below: